Client List
Energy, Manufacturing, and Industrial Services
Great Lakes Hybrids (as subcontractor)
• A national agricultural seed company
Activity: Strategic planning, computer modeling of sales, decision making
Berner Cheese Manufacturing (as subcontractor)
• National unbranded cheese processor
Activity: Computer simulated production modeling for decision making, strategic
RCM Industries (as subcontractor)
• A remedial waste and contamination management company in Chicago,
Activity: Organizational development, top management development and coaching
Dart Energy (as subcontractor)
• Small international oil and gas exploration company
Activity: Compensation plan for top management aligned to strategy
Great Lakes Energy (as subcontractor)
• Multi-site regional cooperative electricity distribution company
Activity: Organizational development, alignment of staff with strategy
Cherryland Electric Cooperative
• Cooperative electric distribution company with subsidiaries in Internet
and retail Propane.
Activity: Organizational development, management team coaching, board development,
Professional Services
Ciesa & Associates
• Local graphics arts firm with some regional and national clients
Activity: Business process and financial improvement, executive coaching
Ross & Associates
• Local public relations firm
Activity: General business structure and planning, professionalizing entrepreneurial
Pace & Partners
• Regional public relations and market research firm with several national
Activity: Facilitated strategic alliance with graphics arts firm, determining
strategic value, setting structure, forming process, and enhancing communication
and interaction
Illinois Cooperative Workers’ Compensation Group
• Self-insurance cooperative for Illinois Electrical Cooperatives
Activity: Future based strategic planning determining programs and services
that would meet members future needs, making strategic choice of third party
Retail and Recreation
MMA – Earthly Delights
• National specialty foods distributor
Activity: Process and organizational structure improvement
Pine Mountain Ski Resort
• Northern Michigan ski lodge
Activity: Organizational assessment from multiple perspectives (financial,
marketing, operational) and improvement plan
Financial Institutions
Muskegon Governmental Employees Federal Credit Union
• Community based credit union
Activity: Strategic planning, strategic market plan for growth
Matanuska Valley Federal Credit Union
• Community based credit union
Activity: Installation of new governance system for board
Michigan State University, School of Human Ecology, Department of
Human Environment and Design
• Multi-unit department dealing with merchandising, interior design,
and apparel design
Activity: Scenario planning, developing future based plans under uncertainty
Michigan State University, Detroit College of Law, Development Department
• School of Law that became strategic partner with MSU and moved onto
its campus
Activity: Facilitated development of strategic plan for department, conducted
organizational effectiveness assessment, facilitated team development
Grand Rapids Community College, Technical, Academic, and Professional
• Unit within a large regional community college that had become key
to successful operations
Activity: Developed a compensation system for a diverse unit that aligned
it with the strategic direction of the College
East Carolina University, Human Environmental Sciences College
• College within the University in the area of family and consumer sciences
Activity: Facilitating large scale change through focus groups, assessment,
strategic retreat
and team building
Cooley Law School Library
• Law library supporting a large and growing law school with national
Activity: Developed organizational structure and compensation system that
was aligned with library’s strategic focus
Cooley Law School
• A large and growing law school with national reach
Activity: Recommended changes for support staff in staffing, structure and
work process to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement
Albion College Library
• Small liberal arts college library in rural Michigan with national
and international students
Activity: Strategic planning using gap analysis, organizational development
Numerous Public School Districts (as subcontractor)
• District and regional public school systems
Activity: Organizational effectiveness, workflow improvement, communication,
compensation system development
Non-Profit Associations
Michigan Society of Association Executives
• Statewide association for executive development and support
Activity: Seminar development and presentation, scenario planning
Michigan Library Consortium
• Statewide organization of member libraries for technology and information
Activity: Scenario analysis, organizational effectiveness, staff development,
strategic conversations and planning
Michigan Association of Broadcasters
• Association for the support and betterment of TV and Radio businesses
Activity: Conducted focus groups, developed survey to drive strategic planning
Kappa Omicron Nu
• Honor society for educational field of Family and Consumer Sciences
Activity: Scenario analysis and strategic thinking exercises, use of scenario
as tool for Change
Michigan United Conservation Clubs
• Statewide outdoors sports association with 60,000 members
Activity: Board development, 3 year change program, staff development
Numerous Other Associations
• Various professional and industry trade associations
Activity: Focus group, survey, staffing, strategic thinking and planning,
scenario planning,
difficult conversations