Seminars & Events

Partners in Policy Governance

Partners in Policy Governance was formed by Susan Radwan and Eric Craymer to create a supported community of Policy Governance users. Both are graduates of the Policy Governance Academy and members of the International Policy Governance Association.

Introductory Seminars

Partners in Policy Governance conduct Introductory Seminars for Board members and Executive staff. If you have a requirement for a seminar, please contact Eric Craymer.

Policy Governance User Group Meetings

Policy Governance User Groups are a chance for current users of Policy Governance to share and learn. These sessions will be a combination of individual experience and education on practical applications and advanced topics. Sign up now to hear from other practicioners and advance your knowledge!

Presented and facilitated by Susan Radwan and Eric Craymer

If you have interest in holding a User Group in your area, please contact Susan Radwan .

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