Frequently Asked Questions
Do you specialize in certain industries?
No, we specialize in certain organizational situations. The challenges faced
during organizational growth and change tend to be similar from industry to
industry. It is necessary to understand the dynamics involved, and the importance
of the individual factors of change may differ, but the tools and solutions
transfer quite well.
What is different about your approach?
There are two kinds of consultants, those who you hire to give you an answer
and those that help you through the process of determining your own answer.
We bring process and facilitation skills to help you develop your own solution.
In addition, we take a systems perspective which implies that solutions must
be integrated across the organization.
How do you determine your fees?
Fees are determined on a case by case basis and this is done in a number of
ways. Very short-term contracts may be bid or charged by the hour, longer
engagements may be determined by the day or project, and very long-term engagements
may even look like a part-time contract employee arrangement.
What size engagements are you capable of completing?
We are a small firm but we also have a network of colleagues whom we have
carefully selected for both skill and dependability. A virtual expansion of
the organization is possible for nearly any sized engagement. A principle
will always be involved directly in the work. Workload is better managed by
controlling total commitments rather than being concerned about one engagement's
What is the typical solution process?
Most engagements follow a variation of the following steps:
1. Initial contact to assess the situation, each other, and our ability to
help you.
2. More formal assessment of the situation and underlying dynamics.
3. Defining the desired outcomes.
4. Planning the actions to achieve the desired outcomes.
5. Determining measurements to indicate progress.
6. Execution of the action plans with constant monitoring and measurement.
7. Follow-up contact to measure effectiveness.
8. Ongoing dialog between consultant and client.
How do you measure the success of your process?
Changes in behavior and outcomes. Are the things that need to be done getting
done? Is the organization in a better place than it was when the work was
What guarantee do I have?
A general set of expectations and parameters is developed. If the expectations
were not met or the parameters were changed, each side has the right to open
a conversation about bringing things back into balance.
How do I know if you can help me?
We will meet or talk to determine your needs and our ability to meet them.
Perhaps the best way to judge is to contact previous clients who have undertaken
similar change or growth. A list of references can be supplied.
Are you available for emergencies or last minute needs?
We make a commitment to our clients to achieve outcomes in a timely manner.
If we can meet sudden and unexpected needs without jeopardizing that commitment
we will. There is often flexibility in our work schedule.
Are you limited to a specific geographic region?
With relatively affordable air transportation, telecommunications, and digital
communications it is possible to help clients almost anywhere. To date we
have assisted organizations in Alaska, North Carolina, Illinois, Washington,
Florida, Virginia, and Michigan.
What is your consulting philosophy?
We believe that organizations that make a difference need to be as effective
as possible. Organizations are complex systems that must be well integrated
and focused. Through understanding, compassion, and well-implemented action
effectiveness can be increased.