GROWTH MANAGEMENT CONSULTING specializes in helping organizations, departments and teams deal with the strategic issues of growth and change. We carefully select organizations to team with. Our role is that of coach, expert, and facilitator. Some consultants will present you with a standard cookie cutter solution; we guide you through the process of forming your own solution that is tailored to your unique situation. It is important to us that we will be able to help the organization move to a better place, that they are truly committed to making the move, and that all involved can have fun in the course of the process.
Everyone talks about value but they are rarely willing to define it. We provide
value by getting organizations where they are going better, faster and more
completely. More specifically, we bring value to the relationship by:
• Providing the process for making better strategic decisions and plans.
• Building an atmosphere of trust and inclusion.
• Clarifying the important dynamics of the future.
• Focusing on the system rather than the individuals or single issues.
• Maintaining balance so that the process is objective and fair.
• Creating a shared sense of where you are going and why.
• Aligning the organization and its behavior with the strategy.
• Turning plans into real change, altering the course of the organization
and its behaviors.